The Royal louis ship 3 bridge off 1692
2 and 3 bridges
2 bridge Leases The 2 bridge had 35 leases Leases have breadth: 32.52 cn 37.94cm For a height of: 35.23cm She camber of leases All leases of the bridge have the same camber, mid ship beam is the referent. It camber is of: 35.21cm for a length of: 14.30cm Curves A small cut is practiced in all its length toset there slightly sides are a small coachof circle is also made on edges external of all its curves to blunt them and their to give more favour. The breadth is equal to the thickness. The curves which are in rooms are put down horizontally. Bottles and Sole of bottles. Bottles: Constructions made on eachside by the poop, except the ship, dressed and adorned with sculptures which act as ornamentations and as facilities for the officers. Sole: floor and ceiling of the bottles of a big building are sole. It is a small framework and a light floorin projection on both sides of the backabsolute of the ship, them are decorated with ornament and with sculpture it ending in tail piece. The 1er sole of bottle meets just above the 2 bridge Seats of ease Seats of ease: place of ease of the crew who is on the poulaine( head) or in bottles forthe staff The tamissaille. arch of circle the bar of the rudder of which is the ray. Nailed under the leasesof the 2 bridge, she leads to the internal wall starboard larboard, behind the matt of spanker The tamissaille forms an arch of circle on all breadth of: 90 ° She has thickness: 1626cm And of breadth: 3250cm She has a field in 45 ° on the half of her breadth. By the bottom on the back face for theone and the face before for other one. Beam Beam has thickness: 1219cm They have breadth: 2710cm They have in their ends same sections as leases. Bolsters Bolsters have in the square: 10.84cm Entremises Have thickness: 16.26cm And of breadth: 12.5cm The entremises of the passage of matts They have breadth (the half of that ofleases, in every bridge. Their thickness will be of ¾ their breadth. ) scuttle hole passage halyard matt big scuttle hole passage halyard misaine Big panel Coaming They are indented between every crossbeam. Coaming is more thick than planking of the bridge. Callebotis(duck-boards) Callebotis(duck-boards): Panel of lattices ofopen work wood made by small rods of flat wood indented them some inothers by crossing in right angle. Haveuse them in the second and third bridge and on the fellow of back to give air to tween decks and to make easier the evacuation of smokes of cannons during battles. Have in dish also on the poulaine( head). the little beam of duck boards has embonpoint 7 mn by foot of their length, Their breadth am equal to distance between the coaming of middle; and their length am equal to the Distance which there is between every crossbeam. il the small capstan leaves the ladder of the crew and finished 3 leases farther than. Pillar Pillar under the leases of the 2 bridge has in the square: 13.55cm Gutters Manual Manual: kind of lever acting on the bar of the rudder His crapeau, bent ? Crapeau: strong flower bed bentto wards two-third of its length, fixed on the bar of the rudder behind the tamissaille Nut Nut: kind of bowl in whom passes the manual Height: 10.27cm The of halyard of misaine Solid endentée wooden room on the leases of the first and second bridge, trimmed with several spinning wheel swhere pass the halyard and the guinderesse. There is a of halyard as the big mast and that of misaine. The of halyard of misaine willbe moved aside from the axle of middle so that the halyard does not rub the big prop. The big capstan The big capstan carries 8 bars to every bell. There is a system which blocks the capstan. The edging of the bridge the edging is put down in clin: The 1er 600cm The 2ème 750cm The 3ème 300cm The 4ème 150cm And they go back to the first The edging has thickness: 8.13cm The edging between the coaming of middle: has thickness: 16.26cm The working to form all rooms Floor with thickness: 16.26cm Their breadth is about as the one who edges bridges The big room Officers are lodged there his wall is removable. The big room, is on the second bridge, the wall of the big room is behindthe manual of the rudder There are coffers along the side of the room Windows There are 7 windows in the poop of the big room Cockpit of the rowing Cockpit of the rowing: small cupboard which is notably put towards the rowing and or are lined up a compassor a compass of road There is 2 on this bridge 3 bridge Leases Leases have breadth: 29.81 cm 35.23cm For a height in size of: 35.23cm The 3 bridge had 38 leases they wereput on those of the second bridge Up toThe matt of spanker and behindthe matt of spanker there was 3 more she camber of leases All leases of the bridge have the same camber, the master leases the referent is. She camber on a length of: 1170cm It camber is: 29.81cm Curves The proceeded is applied where for 2 bridges. The curves which are in rooms are put down horizontally. The 2ème sole of bottle The 2ème sole of bottle which meets just above the 3 bridge Beam They have in their ends same section as leases. Beam has thickness: 9.48cm Their breadth is of: 27.10cm Bolsters or lath The establishing between the leases of every bridge between coaming and the bauqière have Bolsters have in square: 8.13cm Entremises Have thickness: 16.26cm And of breadth: 12cm The entremises of the passage of matts They have breadth (the half of that of leases, in every bridge. Their thicknesses will be of ¾ their breadth. ) scuttle hole passage halyard matt big The matt big scuttle hole passage halyard has in the square 38.21cm scuttle hole passage halyard misaine The scuttle hole passage halyard misaine: has in the square 38.21cm It will be moved aside from the axle of middle so that the halyard does not rub the big prop, of: 39.27cm Big panel Coaming They are indented between every crossbeam and are to set Coaming is more thick than edging of the bridge Callebotis(duck-boards) The little beam of Callebotis(duck-boards) they of roundness 7 mn by foot of their length, Their breadth are equal to distancebetween the coaming of middle; and their length am equal to the Distance whicht here is between every crossbeam. He leaves the ladder of the crew and finished 3 leases after the small capstan. Pillar Pillar under the leases of the 3 bridge has in square 10.84cm Gutters The second capstan (or the baby) The one is who takes up above the fore castle the small capstan carry 6 bars to every bell. There is a system which blocks the capstan. The capstan is put down on the 5è crossbeam (its keelson) The edging of the bridge The edging is put down in clin: The 1er 600cm The 2ème 750cm The 3ème 300cm The 4ème 150cm And they go back to the first The wooden edging of sap has thickness: 6.77cm The edging between the coaming of middle: has thickness: 14.90cm Little bitt Little bitt of the main topsail is the assembly of two small bollards in the form of pitchfork joined by a crosspiece, which are also each re-cracked by a big mortise which receives a big spinning wheel of pulley for the listening of thesail of the main topsail. It is established on the 2 bridge and doubles the previous face of the crossbeam ahead of the étambrai(partner) of the big matt. The Judge's Chambers and others The Judge's Chambers, it is on the 3 bridge, The Judge's Chambers in 5 windows and 2 doors to go on the balcony. There are coffers along the walls of the room 2 windows on each side Ahead of this room there is an alcove inthe middle of the ship separated fromthe Judge's Chambers by a balustrade, and a room on each side of the alcove as which the one acts as antechamber, it isthat of larboard or of room or of office ingeneral The alcove Alcove: recess in a room to put a bed there The antechamber The antechamber or the room ahead of the Judge's Chambers has larboard of the alcove Cupboards Cupboards are in the space which isahead of the alcove and it gives in everyroom The door of cupboards is in rooms. The space which still stays ahead of the alcove between 2 rooms is separated in2 by a parallel wall in that of the alcove and that leaves an interval tomove away the bed of the general of noise who this fact between 2 bridges The balcony The balcony of the Judge's Chambers Kitchen, Chimneys of kitchen She is under the fellow before between the small capstan and the purpose of the fellow. Chimneys Chimneys take right up and they lean against a crossbeam, and go up above the bridge Wedges Wedges has heart Wedges with heart of listening of spanker Wedges with heart of big arm Wedges with heart of big listening Wedges bump of end The bump of end is a rope which serves for suspending the ink of davit Cockpit of the rowing There is 2 on this bridge Balustrade of the passage of the manual Balustrade of the passage of the manual has height: 97cm His thickness is of: 10.84cm The 3 bridge has cannons of 24.
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