The Royal louis ship 3 bridge off 1692
the bursting of the bones
the keel Length of the keel concerning earth: 4828cm She has height: 59.62cm she has breadth: 54.20cm It camber of the keel is of: 35.21cm A rabbet on both sides or one nail the heads of planking in two thirds of its height is made. She has 135 in triangle in 90 ° in the front and in the back: breadth 13cm Distances of keel will have length: 180cm The stern A rabbet on both sides is made, its depth is the thickness of planking : 14cm He has former breadth there arrière:70.46cm He has thickness: 54.20cm His search is of: 195 cm Height of the stern up to the handrail of hourdy: 1034.60cm Height of the stern: 1204.86cm They practice under the foot of the stern two tenons(mortice)with a length of: 10.87cm in thickness he has: 14.90cm in width he has: 10.87cm The forefoot At height against the keel: 59.62cm At height against the stem: 63.23cm she has breadth: 56. 20m He has a length of 641.89cm Two thirds on the keel a third on the stem a tooth is practiced there to receive the foot of the gorgère there Distances of the forefoot: Distances will have comrs dimensions, that of the keel on the one hand and that of the stem of other one. The stem : She has breadth: 54.20cm she has thickness 59.60 cm towards the skittles, of 64.08cm. At the level of the line of ref, And in the summit 70.46cm His shooting pain is of: 682.20cm. in1726 with the matt of bowsprit in the 2 bridge Height of the stem: 1136.90cm Height of the stem on the second bridge is of: 65cm A rabbet on both sides is made where one nail the heads of planking in two thirds of the height. Distances of the stem: Distances will have length: 174cm Against stem She starts to the 19th yoke before and it ends under the garland of the 2 bridge She against stem with breadth: 54.20cm The thickness is: 37.92cm Massive back He is composed of 5 rooms, he begins back yoke in 13th and ends follow the stern until second garlands (put to bed fourcat) Length of the massive back: 1567cm Breadth of the massif: 54.20cm The height is of: 460cm
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