The Royal louis ship 3 bridge off 1692
1 bridge
the 1 bridge Leases The 1 bridge had 34 leases Leases have breadth: 37.94 cm 43.36cm For a height of: 44.71cm She camber of leases camber: It is curve upwards to leases and beam which gives a form bent in all bridges to make easier the flow of waters towards the outside and toreduce the detachment of cannons. All leases of the bridge have the same camber, master leases is the referent. She camber has a length of: 1495cm It camber is: 43.34cm Curves A small cut is practiced in all its length toset its side there slightly. Their breadth is equal in their thickness. The curves which are in rooms are putdown horizontally. Beam It is small leases which established from the right to the left co Mrs leases of different bridge. They support laths. Their length is relating to the distance of leases. In end they have a section identical to the leases of the Same bridge. Beam has thickness: 16.26cm And of breadth: 32.50cm Bolsters (or lath) The establishing between the leases of every bridge on beam before behindhave. They are put between l'coaming and the clamps Bolsters have in the square: 13.55cm Entremises Wooden room of a framework of bridge which draws the opening aside ofhatches, entremises have thickness: 18.97cm And of breadth: 13cm The entremises of the passage of the matt They have breadth (the half of that of leases, in every bridge. Their thicknesses will be of ¾ that of leases. ) Keelson of the matt of bowsprit Breadth of flasks: 200cm Thickness offlasks: 22cm The thickness of thecushion is determined by the incline ofthe bowsprit diametre of the hole: 75.20cm Coaming Coaming: Wooden rooms put down on bridges in longitudinal sense and whichare of use for the solidity of the structure of the ship. They areendentés on the leases of bridges. Coaming is more thick than planking of the bridge Gutters The part of the gutter which leans on the limbs must have in the upper thicknessin vaigrage(eding inside). All gutters, in general, are manufactured externally in form one cancup-shaped in comparison with wheelsof the affuts of cannons and does not exceed the planking of bridges. Capstans Every capstan has, next to him on the bridge a wedge or sole which serves twoof fulcrum in linguets or flying buttresses, which prevent the capstan from returning on it self. Edges or assembly recuperates the wicks ofcapstans. Their bars have to enter the capstan up to the wick. the big capstan The big capstan carries 8 bars to every bell. 2 bollards These are two high wooden rooms standing in a ship, crossed by a third room of cross piece named Bolster ofbollard, and around which cables arepassed to stop them. Sums of bollards go down up to the bottom of the ship. They are emboité of one has two thumbs on the crossbeam of the first bridge which grow and on that of the wrong bridge which cross, the feet of every bollard is kept and strengthens by two courbatons(bend) whounite in make the ship and at the foot of the bollard on whom they are nailed. Their bolsters it is a wooden room put down in the middle of sums of bollards for liersmutually and to act as support to the cable. He is put behind and if emboite on the bollards of one has two deep thumbs. He is fixed to his post by hooks which tiehim to bollards and supported al thoughby a wedge or rather broad console onenail under him on every bollard. The cushion of bollards The bolster of bollards is trimmed behind on its vertical field of a room rounded of by outside that the cushion of bollards is nome. The wedges of bollard (or curve) Wedges of bollard: Curves located aheadof the big bollards put between the leases of the first bridge and sums of bollards. One of both branch of the curve unites with the bollard up to the upper elevation of the edge of the bolster. The second branch it extends up to the gutter and successful also next to thestem, this branch ci is endentée in sprawling sound between every leases of the first bridge which crosses, most ankles which fixes this branch on every crossbeam have the heads trimmed witha curl or ring. These curls are of use for the establishment of bumps necessary forthe maneuver of cables. The of halyard of misaine The of halyard of misaine takes press on the can of a crossbeam of 1 bridge it will be moved aside from the axle of middle so that the halyard does not rub the big prop, Big of halyard (of big yard) It is established on the 1 bridge and goes down to in the bottom. Pomp of the matt of spanker and of the pumpwells. These are pumps with gallows, The edging is put down in clin: The 1er 600cm The 2ème 750cm The 3ème 300cm The 4ème 150cm And they go back to the first The edging of the bridge with thickness: 13.55cm The edging between the coaming of middle: in thickness: 18 97cm Dalots Breadth and circumference are made proportional in the thickness of the furof gutter, and they are trimmed with alead double. They have to be below the ladder except edge nor above a scuttle. Dalots is pierced in gutters. And there is 4 in faces of the main pomps, 1 towards the spanker, and 1 in front of the drip tray on each side. Drip tray It is a kind of reservoir that is made a head of the ship in all its breadth andin can of distance of ecubiers(hauses-holes). The height of this wall comes to the height lower of ecubiers(hauses-holes). Two dalot are faces in the stem Ecubiers(hauses-holes) Ecubiers(hauses-holes) are round, opening holes askew on each side of the stem, underneath the poulaine( head), in which pass the cables of anchors They are faces in bites, they are doubled of lead and dubbing is called a cushion Chamber of the writer and from the master gunner Their walls are removable the room of the writer and that of the master gunner are on the 1 bridge(annexed to the hourdy along the wall) they have a door which the square of the top is put wire netting wall of holy bores stiff On the 1 bridge there is a shell says: Fronteau of holy bores stiff, who isentirely doubled and who crosses the bridge from the right to the left. She is just put in front of the hatch of the holdin powder. He there a door on a side. Park to sheep Park to sheep: place or the animals are locked up it is just after the wick of the small capstan. The 1 bridge has cannons of 36.
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